Ball Event Center is pleased to welcome the Departments of Psychiatry and Continuing Education from the University of Kansas Medical Center for the upcoming Paul Laybourne Symposium on Child Psychiatry.

The focus for this symposium will be Adolescent Substance Abuse and PTSD.

Friday • April 25, 2014 This is a private event

“The Paul Laybourne Symposium on Child Psychiatry 2014 presents the latest information on issues related to children and adolescents who abuse substances or struggle with PTSD. These issues are relevant not only to the care of patients with these diagnoses as primary but they are also important for managing patients with mood or behavior disorders who have comorbid symptoms of substance abuse and/or the effects of trauma.”

The first 200 attendees will be given an ADHD Medication Guide—a 14.75″ X 9.75″ inch laminated pictorial guide developed by Dr. Andrew Adesman and North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System. The guide has color photos of all doses of FDA approved ADHD medications arranged with methylphenidates on one side and amphetamines on the flip side. The guide identifies which medications can be chewed, sprinkled, or dissolved, which have generics available, and the ages for which the drugs are FDA indicated.

Speakers at the event will include: 

  • Dr. Niranjan Karnik, a nationally known child psychiatrist from Rush Medical College
  • Dr. Stephen Thornton, an ER physician and director of toxicology at the University of Kansas Hospital
  • Dr. Timothy Apodaca, a psychologist at Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City
  • Kevin Kufeldt, a licensed clinical professional counselor and program manager at the Adolescent Center for Treatment, Olathe