So you’re trying to raise money. You’ll need a plan!

Luckily, Ball Event Center knows all about organizing events – follow our lead to hosting the best fundraising event of the year! Here’s what you’ll need to do for a successful fundraiser.

  1. Select a Purpose. Narrow down your fundraising ideas to one specific reason. Whether it’s a local community center, pet adoption shelter, or a local community member’s hospital bills, know the type and purpose of your fundraising.
  2. Set a Budget. Know your goal amount and decide how much you’re willing to spend in the setup and cost of running the actual fundraising event. Allocate specific amounts for décor, drinks, or fees as appropriate. (And yes, Ball Event Center allows you to bring your own alcohol.)
  3. Schedule Wisely. Keep your audience and theme in mind when setting the date. Are you hosting a type of carnival aimed at kids? Don’t reserve your event during school hours! Is your fundraiser a high-class dinner? You’re going to need to reserve evening hours. Throwing a ladies’ brunch and raffle? Late morning might just be perfect – especially on a Saturday!
  4. Sell Creatively. Have a process in place to receive donations, funds, or tickets appropriately. Make sure to practice set up the day before or to thoroughly explain the plan to all hosts and/or vendors – you cannot over-communicate. While discussing vendors, don’t be afraid to mix things up! Require (or sell) tickets at the entrance, include a raffle or a silent auction, and throw in a VIP experience fee if you can follow through.
  5. Seize Your Audience with On Point Marketing. Emails, Facebook, high quality flyers and various social media platforms are just the ticket to help get people in the door. If the people don’t know about your event, how can they show up to support you? Don’t count on word-of-mouth alone to do your marketing job for you.
  6. Send Out Thank You’s. Whether by email or by mailed notes as fitting to your event, volunteers and contributors alike will appreciate a thank you for their service and attendance. Additionally, this is the time and place to include an update on the met goals of the fundraiser and to provide information for follow ups.
  7. Spot Your Location. Your venue is almost as important as the event itself – especially when you need ample room for proper social distancing. The good news? Ball Event Center has you covered! With safe hygienic practices in place, Ball is the absolutely perfect place to plan your event. Affordable and accommodating, Ball Event Center is flexible enough to work with whatever type of event you are planning, and we are at half capacity with COVID-19 guidelines in mind.

Reserve your spot now or contact us today for more information!